In this section of chapter 1 there is a French, multimedia-performance artist Orlan who literally went under the knife to discuss what is ideal body of women (59). She based her reconstructive surgery on chin of Botticelli’a Venus and the nose of Psyche, by Gèrard’s Le Premier Baiser de l’Amour à Psyche. Which made me think of Kardashians and there influence on young viewers. Although, Orlan is agrueing past beauty and using plastic surgery to recreate it. Similar to Kardashians specifically Kylie Jenner who got lip injections at young age. And don’t get me wrong I am all for body positivity if you really do not some parts of your body, by all means change if that makes you happy to extent. I draw the line for young 18 year old that want to change their bodies for the sake of fitting in to society because you are not beautiful. I think young women especially are targeted by music, fashion, tv, and reality that if they do not have big butt, big lips, skinny but not too skinny, or fit bu...