In this last part of chapter 2 Michael Rush references video artist Anna Gaskell, “ Floater,” (1997) a single channel video projected onto the floor. She shows a young girls body flooring in water , views presume she is dead, the video zooms in on her “lifeless” open mouth (120) . But is she actually dead that is what Gaskell wants the audience to think. There could be happy ending for this video for optimism. But I’m not that person I do not want Hollywood happy ending, most of the small obstacles are resolved with a predictable ending—talking about every super hero movie ever made by Disney.
"Why the F**k I'm Up" "for this projected I took a shit ton of photos for about 6 months now. And I did not know what I wanted to do with them. Anyway, I took slices of each photo that was taken at an ungodly hour. And rearranged them into a new view of my car window. And I will say I was not driving when I produced these photos. It pays off sometimes to be early. But I rather be sleeping."
What do you think about the artist's decision to project onto the floor?