In chapter three, Michael Rush points out an artist David Goldenberg video of projected images secluded space of audience members from surveillance cameras. Act of voyuerism is prominent in these type of video installations author states “surveillance, a type of spying, has interested artist and fascists alike since the birth of video technology” which is interesting take on intrusive content. Made to feel uncomfortable about the idea of always being watched similar to the Truman show starring Jim Carrey. Where lives in a made up world created by other people and continuously monitor him all through out his life. But with meddling involved.
"Why the F**k I'm Up" "for this projected I took a shit ton of photos for about 6 months now. And I did not know what I wanted to do with them. Anyway, I took slices of each photo that was taken at an ungodly hour. And rearranged them into a new view of my car window. And I will say I was not driving when I produced these photos. It pays off sometimes to be early. But I rather be sleeping."
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