I recommend watching this movie not because it won an four oscars, it’s just a really slow burning thriller movie. That is it takes it time establishing the characters personalities and as well as the climax of the film. I don’t want give much away except to try give five words for it, peach-fuzz, poor, smell, and secrets. It is one of the first foreign films to every won best picture in history. Which is awesome in its own right. Bong Joon- ho has made other brilliant films such as Mother, Okja and Snowpiercer. If you loved Snowpiercer than you definitely love watching Parasite.
"Why the F**k I'm Up" "for this projected I took a shit ton of photos for about 6 months now. And I did not know what I wanted to do with them. Anyway, I took slices of each photo that was taken at an ungodly hour. And rearranged them into a new view of my car window. And I will say I was not driving when I produced these photos. It pays off sometimes to be early. But I rather be sleeping."