One of the artist mentioned in chapter three is Dara BirnBaum, Rio Videowall (1989) a sculpture installation of TVs on top each other making a one huge image(138). And while the image of natural landscapes playing on the twenty-five monitors as a shoppers passes by there are bodies a rematerialized into the monitor thanks to the surveillance cameras set up. Exploring body flow of data as well. However, the idea of the images past and recording present images is cool idea because humans are the cause for disruption in the natural world. Having it in a mall adds a deeper meaning to destroying nature for new mall or commercialization.
"Why the F**k I'm Up" "for this projected I took a shit ton of photos for about 6 months now. And I did not know what I wanted to do with them. Anyway, I took slices of each photo that was taken at an ungodly hour. And rearranged them into a new view of my car window. And I will say I was not driving when I produced these photos. It pays off sometimes to be early. But I rather be sleeping."
Genius piece, I think. Definitely a radical concept and execution, especially when made in the late 80s.