Michael Rush mentions exploring the lyrical other words combing the writing, poems, song, music, etc. turned into visual images, performances or installations(150). At first to me seemed kinda boring the writing portion and poems because I am not very good at and it is confusing sometimes trying to understand authors writing or meaning behind the story if there is one. But the parts that interest me are turning visuals into poems. For example, Bill Viola's single-channel video installation described as "videos as visual poems " grappling with identity and spirituality.
"Why the F**k I'm Up" "for this projected I took a shit ton of photos for about 6 months now. And I did not know what I wanted to do with them. Anyway, I took slices of each photo that was taken at an ungodly hour. And rearranged them into a new view of my car window. And I will say I was not driving when I produced these photos. It pays off sometimes to be early. But I rather be sleeping."
Aren't visual artists poets of imagery?